Prophesy warns of dried up springs in Hopiland

Each and every one of us should be glad that we were blessed with the winter snow and an abundance of much needed rain. Our fields soaked up the moisture, thus allowing us to look forward to a good harvest.

It has been said time and again that water is the lifeblood for our very existence -- not only our very being, but every living plant, animal, insect and the bird.

As much as we abuse our Mother Earth, she continues to nurture us, her children, in a loving and gentle manner.

The Hiisat senom, our ancestors were allowed by Maasauw to live on this land as long as we followed His guidelines on how to take care of His land. We have strayed from those instructions by our own arrogance. We have put money at the forefront and devalued life. Life has not been given a fair chance as debates continue regarding our economic survival.

Nowhere in the world today will you find an industry such as Peabody to transport coal 273 miles utilizing potable water so pure that no chemicals are added to enhance its quality. Where are the guardians of our water? Fittingly, both Deanna Etnire and King Honahnie, Water Clan people, should rightfully stand up and fight the wasteful use of anymore ground water to transport coal. Both of you may want to ask our clan elders if such wastefulness should be tolerated.

I want to close my comments by quoting a Hopi prophesy:

One day you will sell rain water,

Springs will dry up, then

Your exodus will begin,

With "tin-cups" in hand,

Looking for water,

Where springs once ran healthy

Now Dead.

S. Valjean Joshevama Jr.

Kykostmovi, Ariz

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